Latest Post: February 10, 2005:

Alright, here is where we stand. The term project for my Software Enginnering class involves having some sort of application that takes advantage of networking. This can be anything as long as its approved by the teacher. So my group is gonna make a a Networked Asshole Game. I think I just had a geek-gasim. Anywho, this means that Project Asshole may be called off as soon just after it began. But, Hey, thats the way things go. I may continually updaye, but due to the sheer size of this project, I may not have the time or resources (plus, I won't have access to all files). That's All For Now. Nick Out.

First Post: February 7, 2005:

Ok, I'm gonna try and design this thing using the community version of Poseidon, but that thing seems to be horribly slow and likes to eat up my resources. The second option is ArgoUML, which doesn't have as pretty an interface but should work just as well. Failing those two, I'll just scribble out my designs on paper and scan them in (which I would rather not do seeing as my scanner is slow and I don't want to post too many pictures...Lycos only gives 20MB of storage...Free Webs gives you 40, but only allows one file upload at a thanks...maybe someday I'll actually pay for my webspace, but I'm cheap).

But I digress. When I get my first pass at the design done I'll post what I have here. Till then, find some friends to play with.

Project Asshole Description:

Sandwhiched between Software and Stats on the excruciatingly long Tuesday/Thursday is a a little game we call asshole. Some know it as "President", but Asshole fits better. Anywho, as an experiment in designing and programming, I've decided to create an open-source, Java based Asshole computer game. While C++ is my language of choice, Java's built in classes are too juicy to pass up for this. Plus, Java OS independant, and will be able to run on any machine with java built in (unlike this one, which I'd love try for ideas but don't have the Mac to run it).

If there is anybody out there who knows some Java (NOTE: "some", I don't want anybody showing me up at my own project) and would like to join me in the noble goal of giving free Asshole to those who don't have a MAC or the patience to look past the first three links on Google, then send me an e-mail and we'll tackle this beast as a group.

If you don't know any Java but are interested in this project anyways, I'll keep this site updated when I reach an important goal. I'll post any design schematics, source code, and whatever else I happen to come up with for this project (hell, I'll even try and doucument this thing properly). I'll resist the urge to Hero program this this and lose interest in a few days by trying to follow some form of discipline during this. However, seeing as this is by far my busiest semester, I am not giving myself any deadlines until I can afford to. Don't expect me to have this done anytime soon.

However, I'll try and keep up with this thing and not let go the way of my "Get the Beer Across The Bar" Game.