Lab #1: Bulding the Clock
Lab Date: January 13, 2005
Due Date: January 16, 2005
Date Posted: January 12, 2005
Lab Link:
Build a clock for our skeletal processor that has eight subclock lines.
What We Need To Make:
- A crystal clock with eight subclock lines
The Challenges:
This lab was very straight forward. I simply used the design we came up with in class, and used the amount of delay for the buffers which we calculated ealier.
This design did take up more room than needed, so I made a slight modification on the design to save space.
Final Product:
Difficulty Rating (out of 5):
This lab was very straight foward and took less than five minutes to build and test. It gets a rating of half a MUX.
( 1/2 out of 5)